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School No. 81050 | Affiliation No. 2130151

MG Public School
Circular Road, Muzaffarnagar, U.P.

Call us today +91-999 789 6244





Class Adm. Fee Sec. Fee Home Exam Fee Ann. Fee Composite Fee Total Fee. for new Stu. I Qtr. Total Fee. for Old Stu. I Qtr. Total Fee. II,III,IV Qtr.
T. Fee Qtr. Sc. Fee Qtr. Comp. Fee Qtr.
Nur. - V 3500 1000 642 1423 5045 ** ** 11610 7110 5045
VI - VIII 3500 1000 642 1593 6045 ** 120 12900 8400 6045
IX - X 10000 1000 642 2148 7140 150 150 21230 10230 7140
XI - XII Sc. 10000 1000 642 2148 6810 See(+) Below See(+) Below 20600(+) 9600(+) 6810(+)
XI - XII Com. 10000 1000 642 2148 6810 ** See(+) Below 20600(+) 9600(+) 6810(+)

Practical  Fee  For  XI & XII  (Sc. & Comm.)

1. (+) 200/- Qtr. Per Pract. Subj. will be charged for Phy./Chem./Bio./P.Ed./E.D./F.St./Entp./Fine Arts
2. (+) 350/- as add. Pract. Subj. per Qtr. For Comp. Sc. Fee.


Class Adm Fee Sec Ref Ann Fee Exam Fee T. Fee Qtr Sc.Fee Qly comp..Fee Qly Total for New Stu I Qly Total for Old Stu I Qly II,III,IV Qtrs.
Nur - V 2500 1000 1274 575 4520 **** **** 9870 6370 4520
VI - VIII 3500 1000 1425 575 5430 **** 120 12050 7430 5430
IX - X 5000 1000 1925 575 6440 150 150 15240 8940 6440
XI - XII Sc. 5000 1000 1925 575 6100 See(+)below See(+)below 14600(+) 8600(+) 6100(+)
XI - XII Comm. 5000 1000 1925 575 6100 **** See(+)below 14600(+) 8600(+) 6100(+)

Practical  Fee  For  XI & XII  (Sc. & Comm.)

1. (+) 200/- Qtr. Per Pract. Subj. will be charged for Phy./Chem./Bio./P.Ed./E.D./F.St./Entp./Fine Arts
2. (+) 350/- as add. Pract. Subj. per Qtr. For Comp. Sc. Fee.


Class Adm Fee Sec Ref Ann Fee Exam Fee T. Fee Qtr Sc.Fee Qly comp..Fee Qly Total for New Stu I Qly Total for Old Stu I Qly II,III,IV Qtrs.
Nur - V 2700 1000 1325 525 4035 **** **** 9585 5885 4035
VI - VIII 2900 1000 1375 525 4725 **** 120 10595 6695 4845
IX - X 3100 1000 1475 525 5451 150 150 11851 7751 5751
XI - XII Sc. 3300 1000 1475 525 5451 See(+)below See(+)below 11751(+) 7451(+) 5451(+)
XI - XII Comm. 3300 1000 1475 525 5451 **** See(+)below 11751(+) 7451(+) 5451(+)

Practical  Fee  For  XI & XII  (Sc. & Comm.)

1. (+) 200/- Qtr. Per Pract. Subj. will be charged for Phy./Chem./Bio./P.Ed./E.D./F.St./Entp./Fine Arts
2. (+) 350/- as add. Pract. Subj. per Qtr. For Comp. Sc. Fee.


Class Adm Fee Sec Ref Ann Fee Exam Fee T. Fee Qtr Sc.Fee Qly comp..Fee Qly Total for New Stu I Qly Total for Old Stu I Qly II,III,IV Qtrs.
Nur - V 2700 1000 1375 475 3510 **** **** 9060 5360 3510
VI - VIII 2900 1000 1375 475 4110 **** 120 9980 6080 4230
IX - X 3100 1000 1525 475 4740 150 150 11140 7040 5040
XI - XII Sc. 3300 1000 1525 475 4740 See(+)below See(+)below 11040(+) 6740(+) 4740(+)
XI - XII Comm. 3300 1000 1525 475 4740 **** See(+)below 11040(+) 6740(+) 4740(+)

Practical  Fee  For  XI & XII  (Sc. & Comm.)

1. (+) 200/- Qtr. Per Pract. Subj. will be charged for Phy./Chem./Bio./P.Ed./E.D./F.St./Entp./Fine Arts
2. (+) 350/- as add. Pract. Subj. per Qtr. For Comp. Sc. Fee.


Class Adm Fee Sec Ref Ann Fee Exam Fee T. Fee Qtr Sc.Fee Qly comp..Fee Qly Total for New Stu I Qly Total for Old Stu I Qly II,III,IV Qtrs.
Nur - V 2700 1000 1500 350 3120 **** **** 8670 4970 3120
VI - VIII 2900 1000 1500 350 3660 **** 120 9530 5630 3780
IX - X 3100 1000 1650 350 4200 150 150 10600 6500 4500
XI - XII Sc. 3300 1000 1650 350 4200 See(+)below See(+)below 10500(+) 6200(+) 4200(+)
XI - XII Comm. 3300 1000 1650 350 4200 **** See(+)below 10500(+) 6200(+) 4200(+)

Practical  Fee  For  XI & XII  (Sc. & Comm.)

1. (+) 200/- Qtr. Per Pract. Subj. will be charged for Phy./Chem./Bio./P.Ed./E.D./F.St./Entp./Fine Arts

2. (+) 350/- as add. Pract. Subj. per Qtr. For Comp. Sc. Fee.

The admission fee, Security and annual charges are deposited only once at the time of admission.

The Security is refundable, provided all the school dues are cleared by the student. The security is refundable only within six months of issuing T.C. else it will be deemed as donation.

The schedule of depositing fee in the Bank is as follows : 1st Quarter April to June - to be deposited by 15th of April 2nd Quarter July to September - upto 15th of July 3rd Quarter October to December - upto 15th of October 4th Quarter January to March - upto 15th of January.